Loving the Unlovely isn't for the Faint of Heart!

Loving the Unlovely isn't for the Faint of Heart!

Are you loving those in your life well? Sometimes we try to love, but the love gets lost in translation.

Loving others is certainly a lofty goal. Sometimes loving is easy and sometimes loving is super hard.

Do you know in Matthew 5, it says that we are to love our enemies and to pray for those who persecute us? How often do we really do this? 

It says that, if we learn to love our enemies, we will be acting as true children of our Father in heaven. Wow! Are we acting like true children? Are we representing our Father well?

The Scripture goes on to ask, that if we only love those who love us, what reward is there in that?  Lots of people can show kindness and love to those that already love them. That's pretty easy.

However, if we want to really invoke change in this world for God’s Kingdom, we are asked to love the unlovely.  

On any given day, the unlovely might be a trusted friend or family member. It might be our co-worker or boss. It may be a random stranger on the street.

When we take the time to love people well, God can use those moments to slowly turn people around.  

When we do the unthinkable and love the unlovely, people will see the power of God at work in our lives. That's a pretty beautiful thing, don't you think?

Jesus first loved us while we were still sinners.  I’m so grateful He did! Aren't you?

Who needs to receive the love you have to give today? Dig deep and ask God to help you love them well!





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